Animatic for an original animated short, titled "Memories." Currently in production. (2022)

Cover page for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Cover page for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
 Page 1 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 1 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 2 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 2 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 3 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 3 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 4 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 4 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 5 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 5 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 6 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 6 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 7 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 7 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 8 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 8 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 9 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 9 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 10 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 10 for a horror comic adapted from a screenplay written by Anthony A. Labriola and Stephen R. Shilling II. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2023)
Page 1 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
Page 1 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
Page 2 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
Page 2 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
Page 3 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
Page 3 of a storyboard assignment based on a generated prompt. Illustrated in Photoshop. (2019)
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